I created this project with the purpose of learning recommender systems and improve software design skills. Also I wanted to create something useful. Even though it’s a pet project I believe it can be used to solve real information filtering problems which are commonly faced in the E-Commerce world. Feel free to contact me grigoriyroghkov@gmail.com.

What is Recommender Lab

Recommender systems play a major role in today’s ecommerce industry. Recommender systems suggest items to users such as books, movies, videos, electronic products and many other products in general. Creating a new recommender is costly so companies try to use existing solutions.

This project aims to provide a RESTful service which accepts events’ data and items’ properties and provide recomendations. Item consists of a set of properties which can be configured. Event means some action made by user towards the item, this action should have a preference evidence.

Modified cross-occurrence correlation algoritm from Apache Mahout alows to use any number of indicators (buy, add to cart, view etc.) to predict user preferences.


The recommender system implemented in this project uses Correlated Cross-Occurrence algorithm which allows using multiple indicators effectively.

Few links:

The project approaches microservice architecture. Apache Spark and Apache Mahout is used to create item similarity model. The model is trained offline periodically. Trained model it deployed on ElasticSearch, which provides a benefit of fast response for recommendations as well as using it’s rich query language to apply business filters to ranked lists of recommendations. docker-compose is utilized to deploy services.

Event Manager - Service responsible for managing events and item properties. Recommender - Service responsible for providing recommendations. Job Runner - Service conducts model training process, submits Spark jobs and allows to poll for status. Spark - Computes model. ElasticSearch - Serves the model, returns recommendations by queries. HDFS - Source and target data source for Spark, stores events and intermediate representation of a model.


In this section REST endpoints of the service are documented. In the json representation fields marked in curlu braces () are optional.

Event Manager

Runs on port 5555.

Create event

Register new user event in the system, the event will have been considered when model is trained. If timestamp field of an event isn’t present the event is registered with time when request is made. If objectProperties field is defined the object objectId will be set to these properties, if object has existing properties they are replaced. That is useful when running recommender without existing dataset so item properties are populated along the way.


POST /api/events/createOne
  "subjectId": "<user_id>",
  "objectId": "<item_id>",
  ("timestamp": <number>,)
  "indicator": "<type_of_action>",
  ("objectProperties": {<item_properties_json>})


Status code - 200

Create events

This endpoint allows register multiple events at a time.


POST /api/events/createMany
    "subjectId": "<user_id>",
    "objectId": "<item_id>",
    ("timestamp": <number>,)
    "indicator": "<type_of_action>",
    ("objectProperties": {<item_properties_json>})
    "subjectId": "<user_id>",
    "objectId": "<item_id>",
    ("timestamp": <number>,)
    "indicator": "<type_of_action>",
    ("objectProperties": {<item_properties_json>})


Status code - 200

Count all events

Get count of all events in the system.


POST /api/events/countAll


  "number" : <number>
Status code - OK

Count events by query

Get count of all events matching query. query field is a valid ElasticSearch query.


POST /api/events/countByQuery
  "query": {
    "term" : { "objectId" : "5421" } 


  "number" : <number>
Status code - OK

Get events by query

Get events matching query. query field is a valid ElasticSearch query.


POST /api/events/getByQuery
  "query": {
    "term" : { "subjectId" : "2" } 


    "subjectId": "2",
    "objectId": "325215",
    "timestamp": 1552515374808,
    "indicator": "view"
    "subjectId": "2",
    "objectId": "342816",
    "timestamp": 1552515375917,
    "indicator": "view"
Status code - OK

Delete all events

Delete all events from the system. Returns number of deleted events.


POST /api/events/deleteAll


  "deleted": <number>
Status code - OK

Delete events by query

Delete events matching query. query field is a valid ElasticSearch query. Returns number of deleted events.


POST /api/events/deleteAll
  "query": {
    "range" : {
      "timestamp" : {
        "lte" : 1265276482312


  "deleted": <number>
Status code - 200

Set object schema

Set object schema or extend existing to add new fields but don’t modify existing. This is optional API, every time you add new object system inferres schema. The json body is valid [ElasticSearch mapping under mappings..properties field](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/mapping.html).


POST /api/objects/schema
  "field1": {
    "type": "text",
    "fields": {
      "keyword": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "ignore_above": 256
  "field2": {
    "type": "text",
    "fields": {
      "keyword": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "ignore_above": 256


Status code - OK

Get object schema

Get set or inferred object schema.


GET /api/objects/schema


  "field1": {
    "type": "text",
    "fields": {
      "keyword": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "ignore_above": 256
  "field2": {
    "type": "text",
    "fields": {
      "keyword": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "ignore_above": 256
Status code - OK

Update object

Update or insert single object. If replace is true new properties will completely replace existing, if it’s false these new properties will be merged with existing one by one (add or replace).


POST /api/objects/updateById
  "objectId": "<item_id>",
  "replace": <bool>,
  "objectProperties": {<valid_json>}


Status code - OK

Update multiple objects

Update or insert multiple object properties.


POST /api/objects/updateMultiById
    "objectId": "<item_id>",
    "replace": <bool>,
    "objectProperties": {<valid_json>}
    "objectId": "<item_id>",
    "replace": <bool>,
    "objectProperties": {<valid_json>}


Status code - OK

Get object

Get object by id.


GET /api/objects/getById
  "objectId": "<item_id>"


  "field1": <bool>,
  "field2": <number>,
  "field3": "<string>"
Status code - 200

Delete object

Delete object by id. Returns number of deleted objects (0 or 1).


POST /api/objects/deleteById
  "field1": <bool>,
  "field2": <number>,
  "field3": "<string>"


  "deleted": <number>
Status code - 200

Delete all objects

Delete all objects preserving schema. Returns number of deleted objects.


POST /api/objects/deleteAll


  "deleted": <number>
Status code - 200

Delete objects by query

Delete objects by query. query field is a valid ElasticSearch query. Object fields in a query should be prefixed with *properties.*.


POST /api/objects/deleteByQuery
  "query": {
    "term" : { "properties.<field_name>" : "<some_value>" } 


  "deleted": <number>
Status code - 200

Set indicators

Configure preference indicators for model. The first indicator is considered primary and model is targeted to predict events of primary indicator (e.g. purchase), when model is computed the events of other indicators are filtered, events which correlate with primary indicator are remained. Other indicators may be “view”, “add to cart” etc.


POST /api/model
  "primaryIndicator": "<indicator_1>",
  "secondaryIndicators": [
      "name": "<indicator_2>" ,
      "priority": 1
      "name": "<indicator_3>" ,
      "priority": 2


Status code - 200

Get indicators

Get configured preference indicators for model


GET /api/model


  "primaryIndicator": "<indicator_1>",
  "secondaryIndicators": [
      "name": "<indicator_2>" ,
      "priority": 1
      "name": "<indicator_3>" ,
      "priority": 2
Status code - 200

Job Runner

Runs on port 5556.

Train model

Train new model using snapshot of current events in the system. Recommender can server the requests while the model is being trained.


POST /api/model/train
No body


  "id": "export_events",
  "children": [
      "id": "train_model",
      "children": [
          "id": "import_model_transaction",
          "children": [
          "id": "import_model_addtocart",
          "children": [
          "id": "import_model_view",
          "children": [

Get train model status

Get status of the current process of model training. Response body contains hyerarchical structure which shows up completeness of the steps required to train model. Once the step is finished the field finishedAt appears.


GET /api/model/train


The same as for model train submission

  "id": "export_events",
  "children": [
      "id": "train_model",
      "children": [
          "id": "import_model_transaction",
          "children": [
          "id": "import_model_addtocart",
          "children": [
          "id": "import_model_view",
          "children": [


Runs on port 5556.

Create recommendations

Recommend items based on user history. filter and must_not parts of a query are corresponding properties of bool ElasticSearch query. Response contains ranked list of recommended items with item properties.


  "history": { 
    "<indicator_1>": ["itemId1", "itemId2", ...],
    "<indicator_2>": ["itemId3", "itemId4", ...],
    "<indicator_3>": ["itemId5", "itemId6", ...]
  "filter": <filter part of bool query>,
  "must_not": <must_not part of bool query>,
  ["length": <number>]


    "objectId": "<recommended_itemId_1>",
    "objectProperties": {
      "k1": <int>,
      "k2": "<string>
    "score": <int>
    "objectId": "<recommended_itemId_2>",
    "objectProperties": {
      "k1": <int>,
      "k2": "<string>,
      "k3": <bool>
    "score": <int>

Delete recommendations and object data

Removes all object data and recommendations, should be used carefully.


DELETE /api/recommendation


Status code OK - recommendations deleted

User guide

Project contains deployment scripts to run on docker-compose locally, you need 9GB of RAM to make the thing working. The default deployment consists of the following services.

./dev/start_dev_env.sh - rebuild docker images and start all services ./dev/stop_dev_env.sh - stop all services ./dev/follow_logs.sh - see logs of running services


For larger deployments make changes to ./dev/docker-compose.yaml file. Item properties are used to filter computed recommendations (e.g return all recommender men’s T-Shirts of a red colour). This should be used to apply business rules. Up to 500 searcheable item properties are supported.

Test with retailrocket dataset

Project provides some utils for setting up things locally.

The system has been tested with Retailrocket dataset https://www.kaggle.com/retailrocket/ecommerce-dataset.

  1. Need to allocate 9Gb of RAM to docker. While running project please ensure that amount of free memory is available.
  2. Download the dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/retailrocket/ecommerce-dataset and unpack it in <dataset_path>
ls -lh <dataset_path>/retailrocket-recommender-system-dataset/
total 1941096
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 grygorii  staff    14K Mar 24  2017 category_tree.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 grygorii  staff    90M Mar 24  2017 events.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 grygorii  staff   462M Mar 24  2017 item_properties_part1.csv
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 grygorii  staff   390M Mar 24  2017 item_properties_part2.csv
  1. assembly and deploy service
$ cd <project_dir>/recommender_lab
$ sbt assembly

The following command on the first command takes a while as it builds images before starting the service

$ ./dev/start_dev_env.sh

See containers running

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                            NAMES
61098b3dd690        dev_spark-slave                                       "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours         22/tcp,>8081/tcp                                                   dev_spark-slave_2
744104f255e2        dev_spark-slave                                       "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours         22/tcp,>8081/tcp                                                   dev_spark-slave_1
d12bb2bea677        dev_spark-master                                      "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours>4040/tcp,>5557/tcp, 22/tcp,>8080/tcp   dev_spark-master_1
a335112caed8        dev_recommender                                       "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours         22/tcp,>5556/tcp                                                   dev_recommender_1
8fa8a3dece84        dev_event_manager                                     "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours         22/tcp,>5555/tcp                                                   dev_event_manager_1
caf0ab9d42ff        dev_hdfs                                              "bash -c 'service ss…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours>9000/tcp, 22/tcp,>50070/tcp                         dev_hdfs_1
7b3b35cd058e        docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.4.2   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   24 hours ago        Up 24 hours>9200/tcp, 9300/tcp                                                 elasticsearch
  1. Upload events, objects, and train model

Configure indicators

POST http://localhost:5555/api/model
  "primaryIndicator": "transaction",
  "secondaryIndicators": [
      "name": "addtocart" ,
      "priority": 1
      "name": "view" ,
      "priority": 2

Upload events and item properties Helper script does the work. Only first 100 props plus categoryid from the dataset are uploaded.

$ python3 ./example/upload_ecom_dataset.py <dataset_path>/retailrocket-recommender-system-dataset/
elapsed time 1097.7651262283325s: events 606.3574371337891s, props1 267.1118106842041s, props2 224.29587197303772s

See events count

POST http://localhost:5555/api/events/countAll
No Body

  "number": 2756101

See objects schema which was automatically inferred

GET http://localhost:5555/api/objects/schema

Train model and poll for status until all tasks are finished for me it took 34 minutes

POST http://localhost:5557/api/model/train

Example of finished status

GET http://localhost:5557/api/model/train

  "id": "export_events",
  "children": [
      "id": "train_model",
      "children": [
          "id": "import_model_transaction",
          "children": [],
          "finishedAt": 1552520328192
          "id": "import_model_addtocart",
          "children": [],
          "finishedAt": 1552520349287
          "id": "import_model_view",
          "children": [],
          "finishedAt": 1552520369010
      "finishedAt": 1552520303230
  "finishedAt": 1552518376041

Get recommendations

POST http://localhost:5556/api/recommendation
  "history": { 
    "view": ["253185", "443030", "428805", "331725", "372845"],
    "transaction": ["356475"]
  "filter": {
    "term": {
      "properties.categoryid" : "1244"

Returns me a list

    "objectId": "111057",
    "objectProperties": {
      "categoryid": "1503",
      "6": "668584"
    "score": 2
    "objectId": "253615",
    "objectProperties": {
      "49": "484024 661116 1257525",
      "categoryid": "342",
      "6": "1037891"
    "score": 2
    "objectId": "77514",
    "objectProperties": {
      "categoryid": "1051",
      "6": "977762"
    "score": 2
    "objectId": "75490",
    "objectProperties": {
      "6": "203835",
      "76": "769062",
      "28": "150169 435459 16718",
      "categoryid": "358"…
    "score": 1
    "objectId": "237244",
    "objectProperties": {
      "6": "160555 992429",
      "categoryid": "745"
    "score": 1